(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001


Meals on Wheels Badge

Dedicated VINE volunteers deliver a nutritious noon meal each weekday to people living in Mankato, North Mankato, Skyline, Le Hillier, and Eagle Lake who find it difficult to shop for or prepare their meals. Meal recipients also benefit from a valuable safety check each day. If something is amiss, VINE staff quickly responds to get needed help. 

The meals include a variety of cooked meats, vegetables, salads, fruits, and desserts. VINE receives no government subsidies and, thanks to a long-term partnership with J. D. Truffles Catering, we provide a delicious and affordable meal for the very low cost of $5. Recipients are billed monthly and ACH withdrawals are available upon request.

Call (507) 387-4076 to sign up for VINE’s Hot Meals on Wheels program. 

Calls must be made by 1 p.m. the day prior to the day you want to order or cancel a meal. Cancellations or orders after 1 p.m. will not be honored. Please, only call the hotline number at (507) 387-4076. This number is available 24/7 and is an answering machine only.


  • Thank you for your continuing to furnish us with delicious, nutritious meals. They are enjoyed and we are so thankful to get them for such a reasonable cost.

    Pat Olson
  • My mother thoroughly enjoys her Hot Meals on Wheels and I appreciate knowing that someone is checking in on her every day.

  • Hot Meals on Wheels are so tasty! I look forward to my meal and the visits with the volunteers.

Volunteers commit to deliver a Meals on Wheels route twice a month. Meals are picked up in North Mankato and delivered to individuals in the Mankato, North Mankato, and Eagle Lake areas. The routes are typically completed in one hour.


If you are interested in signing up or learning more, complete the form below and our staff will follow up soon.