(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001


VINE receives funds to target services to culturally and racially diverse elders in the Minnesota River Valley. Since the program’s inception in 2015, VINE has assisted over 100 elders from 16 different countries. VINE’s outreach to refugee elders and immigrants includes advocacy, phone contact, escort, translation, form assistance, and service coordination essential to successful independent community living.

Volunteers at the Adult Literacy Center help refugee and immigrants elders and other literacy-challenged adults improve reading and writing skills. Increased English literacy enables participants to become more fully engaged and successful in their community. Aging refugees and immigrants with limited English proficiency benefit from the opportunity to socialize with other elders and VINE volunteers. 

If you interested in learning more or volunteering, please contact VINE at (507) 386-5582. 

Donations are greatly appreciated to help cover the cost of our diversity programming at VINE.



  • My mom lives with my family. Before my mom started going to class she would sleep late into the morning. I would worry about her at home by herself all day while we were at work or the children were at school. Since she started going to class she is getting ready for school when children are getting ready for school and she is happy. She tells us about her day and she hangs her papers on the refrigerator next to her grandchildren’s school papers. She also has friends from many countries that she didn’t have before.

    (daughter of a language learner)
  • I enjoy going to class because I learn many things about America from my friendly teachers and they teach me to speak English better.

    (language learner)
  • Each time I volunteer, I am so inspired by the student’s willingness and persistence to learn English.

    VINE Volunteer Learning Partner since 2016

Funding for VINE’s Diversity Program, provided by:  

This program is made possible in part under the Federal Older Americans Act through an award from MNRAAA and under an area plan approved by the Minnesota Board of Aging. Â