(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001

VINE Mind Academy

VINE’s Mind Academy is a series of programs for those who want to be proactive about their brain health, at whatever stage they may find themselves. We offer something for people who have no memory loss, for those who may be concerned about their memory, and for those with a dementia diagnosis.


Mind Aerobics programs are designed to provide older adults with comprehensive mental workouts that maintain or improve cognitive functioning. These programs are developed to systematically stimulate six major cognitive domains of the brain, instead of focusing on only one or two cognitive skill areas like many other programs.

Mind Sharpener: Normal to forgetful level 
This program targets those who, although they may have subjective complaints of memory deficit or occasional difficulty with word-finding, have no objective deficits.

Mind Works: Mild to moderate cognitive decline
Problems with memory, concentration, word­finding, planning, and handling finances may have been noted. Other individuals in their environments have noticed changes.


Mind Sharpener Class

Tuesdays & Thursdays,
September 3 – November 21

10-11 am 

VINE Adult Community Center


  • I feel as if the course has been applicable to my daily life. I’m paying more attention to things.

    Mind Sharpener Graduate
  • I love these kinds of puzzles.

    Mind Sharpener Graduate


The cost to participate in the program is $50

Registration is required.  Limited space is available. 

Call Mary at (507) 386-5577 to learn more or to register.  

Mind Sharpener Results 

Dr. Jeff Buchanan and Jackie Gehling discuss the results of a cognitive training program for older adults developed at the VINE Adult Community Center.

MN Board on Aging logo

These programs are funded in part through the Minnesota Board on Aging’s Dementia grant.