(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001
(507) 387-1666
421 East Hickory Street, Mankato, MN 56001

Join Our Team!  

Marketing and Communications Intern: view full description here>

The Marketing and Communications Intern will assist VINE’s Marketing and Communications Manager with promoting VINE, our services, the VINE Home Thrift Store, and the VINE Adult Community Center from approximately January – May 2025. 

Send resume and cover letter to Paige at 421 E. Hickory St. Mankato 56001 or paiges@vinevolunteers.org.

Others Internships at VINE: 

  • General Interns – An application can be found here>
    We welcome interns at VINE and at the VINE Adult Community Center.  To be considered for an unpaid internship, interns must:
    1. Complete the internship application
    2. Submit a cover letter and resume
    3. Interview with VINE staff
    4. Complete an orientation
    5. Commit to a specified number of hours each week
    6. Clear the MN Department of Human Services background check

Please, contact Adam at adamm@vinevolunteers.org for more information.

Fall semester internship applications are due March 15.

Spring semester internship applications are due October 15.